Design Diffusion World Apps

ddn - Design Diffusion News 1.1
It is the most cutting-edge internationalmagazine on industrial design, industrial product design, interiordesign, marketing and management.É la più attuale rivista di disegno industriale, interior design,marketing e management a livello internazionale.It is the mostcutting-edge international magazine on industrial design,industrial product design, interior design, marketing andmanagement.It is the most current magazine of industrial design, interiordesign, marketing and management at the international level.
Food Design 1.1
International magazine about the excellencesoffood&beverage field.Rivista internazionale sulle eccellenze delsettorefood&beverage.Internationalmagazineabout the excellences of food & beverage field.International journal on the excellence of the food andbeveragesector.